What is AMD ROCm?
AMD ROCm is a GPGPU compute solution exposing two APIs: OpenCL and HIP. OpenCL and its upsides and downsides are more well-known, so I’ll focus… Read More »What is AMD ROCm?
AMD ROCm is a GPGPU compute solution exposing two APIs: OpenCL and HIP. OpenCL and its upsides and downsides are more well-known, so I’ll focus… Read More »What is AMD ROCm?
For iOS simulators, dyld_sim is used as the dynamic linker. How small can the list of dependencies be to run a “hello world” in such… Read More »What is the minimum number of libraries to run a “hello world” on iOS Simulator?
On recent driver revisions for Linux x86_64 (this does not apply to AArch64 NVIDIA drivers at this time), NVIDIA shipped firmware for a new coprocessor,… Read More »NVIDIA GSP Firmware
Microsoft has an edge SQL Server product that is also available on 64-bit Arm in addition of x86 processors, offering core functionality. However, forget about… Read More »SQL Server on Arm
(Part 1 at https://threedots.ovh/blog/2021/01/thoughts-on-tachyum/, let’s assume that most Tachyum claims are true) Tachyum is a company saying that their VLIW processor will change computing, being… Read More »Thoughts on Tachyum (part 2)
9 days ago, I pushed to https://github.com/thepowersgang/mrustc/pull/151 a more complete mrustc on macOS branch including Apple Silicon support, to have an alternative Rust compiler available… Read More »mrustc on macOS
Visual Studio today (the IDE) is still a 32-bit x86 application. How well does it run on a Windows on Arm machine? Disclaimer: This workflow… Read More »Visual Studio on an Arm Windows machine
I ordered an iPad Air (again) on Sunday and picked it up on Monday. So far, it’s quite good, with the Apple Pencil being the… Read More »Not-an-iPad-review
I’ve been reading this blog post. (titled “Heads up: Microsoft repo secretly installed on all Raspberry Pi’s Linux OS”) The headline by itself already sets… Read More »Open source rhetoric? or FUD?
On a side note, a jailbroken iOS device has security protections equivalent to a macOS system with SIP off and AMFI off. That’s not a… Read More »Things to not do on Apple OSes: disabling AMFI